English Sentence Structures
Here are some examples of English sentence structures:
1. Simple Sentence: A single independent clause that expresses a complete thought.
Example: I like pizza.
2. Compound Sentence: Two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Example: I like pizza, but my friend prefers pasta.
3. Complex Sentence: An independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses.
Example: Although I like pizza, I try to eat it in moderation.
4. Compound-complex Sentence: Two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Example: Although I like pizza, I try to eat it in moderation, but my friend doesn't care about his diet.
5. Declarative Sentence: A statement.
Example: The sun is shining.
6. Imperative Sentence: A command or request. Example: Turn off the lights.
7. Interrogative Sentence: A question.
Example: What time is it?
8. Exclamatory Sentence: An exclamation.
Example: Wow, that's amazing!
9. Passive Sentence: The object or recipient of the action is the subject of the sentence.
Example: The cake was baked by my mom.
10. Active Sentence: The subject of the sentence does the action.
Example: My mom baked the cake.